Worship at Our Saviour
The primary way we Connect with God and Others at church is through the Sunday services. Each Sunday, we gather as the Body of Christ to worship, pray, receive the Word of God, and receive the Sacraments. In normal times, we sing together, we hold hands when we say the Lord’s Prayer, we pass the Peace, we kneel side by side in Communion, we linger in conversation with others after the service. In the present season, many of us may need to gather online, and Church of Our Saviour will continue to offer that option. However we are able, we must continue to gather together to worship in order to grow in Christian vitality.
Community worship has always been the normative marker that we belong to God and God’s people; in fact, in the New Testament there are ZERO examples of people who grow in Christ apart from the Body of Christ. To become passionate, vital followers of Jesus Christ, we must connect with God and Others.