Flower Guild
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Creativity Inspired by God Abounds Amongst the Members of the Flower Guild
By Kerry Baldwin
One week after members of the Flower Guild joined to help make 230 Christmas ornaments at the Live Nativity ornament workshop, I met up with two of their team, Robin Davis and Paula Hubbard, who were busy setting up the Thanksgiving holiday decorations for the church altar.
Every year, special decorations are done to commemorate the holiday season and this year’s Thanksgiving decorations are an echo of last year’s newly elaborate design. “The design was inspired by God” said two-year member, Robin Davis. “I just sketched it out to use as a guide.”
Robin joined the flower guild when she returned to worship at Our Saviour. “I had previously been a member of the Altar Guild and I wanted to try something different.” She didn’t have any experience arranging flowers but had recently read the book “Haben” about a woman born deaf and blind that graduated from Harvard. “If she could do that, I can take a shot at flowers!”
Paula has been a member for several years and loves to do the arranging. “Flower arranging is a lot of fun and so is being with the lovely ladies and doing it all for our church and for the glory of God.
With Christmas just a month away, preparation is now beginning. The process of ordering the items and then delivery and pickup, culminates in the entire seventeen member flower guild coming together to decorate the altar and the church with wreaths, garlands, arrangements, and poinsettias.
Paula and Robin love it when new members join. Says Robin “I enjoy teaching somebody else how to do it so that they can carry it on.”
If interested in joining the Flower Guild, now is the perfect time to learn as they head into the Christmas season. No experience is needed, just some creativity and love of the Lord! Contact ministries@oursaviourjax.org.