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Our Saviour Habijax ministry members give deserving families "a hand up rather than a handout"
By Kerry Baldwin
Supporters of Habijax since 1994, the Our Saviour crew recently joined forces with members of St. Mark’s Episcopal to finalize a new Habijax home.
To qualify for a home through Habijax, prospective homeowners must have a real need such as having to leave dangerous or deteriorating housing (including public housing) and they must be employed and able to cover the cost of their interest-free mortgage. They must also contribute 300 hours of their own "sweat equity" working on other homes or volunteering in the Habijax Restore as well as attend homeowner's classes on finances and maintenance of a home.
The Habijax ministry leader from Our Saviour, Jim Meyers, had the opportunity to meet with one such prospective homeowner who was also on the job site working to fulfill her 300-hour obligation while her own future home was being constructed.
The woman was 70 years old and had never owned a home. She had raised her two, now grown, children in and out of shelters.
When she initially submitted her application to Habijax, she was turned down. As she reflected on that, she realized that she should not be asking Habijax for a home, but should instead submit her request to God. Amazingly, one week later, she got a call from Habijax that she had since been approved!
For Jim, these are the stories that have kept him volunteering for more than 30 years. In that time, Habijax has constructed 2700 homes in Jacksonville with members of the Our Saviour crew working on as many as four homes per year.
If you are interested in learning more about Habijax or joining the Our Saviour crew, contact ministries@oursaviourjax.org.