Our Saviour Kids
We live into our church’s vision by engaging, encouraging, and empowering families of children and youth to grow in Christian faith and service.
GOSPEL-CENTERED: We stake our lives, in thought, word, and deed, on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
GRACE: We practice mercy, forgiveness, and compassion to reflect Christ’s reconciling love.
ACCEPTANCE: We welcome and meet people where they are and acknowledge their worth without judgment.
RESPECT: We foster a sense of care and belonging by valuing each other’s uniqueness.
COMMUNITY: We build and nurture trusting and loving relationships rooted in faith and discipleship.
FUN: We celebrate the joy of our Christian life through play and creativity.

We currently provide nursery care for children ages infant - 5 years old each Sunday from 9:00am – 12:00pm. Our nursery staff are paid employees of the church. Additionally we have a small pool of church members who volunteer in the nursery as needed.
This class is geared toward our Pre-K group and will be led by Harmon Patterson in the nursery. The curriculum will be a combination of Godly Play and Bible story time.
Kids Word meets on Sundays during the 10:30am service and is geared toward children in K - 3rd grade. Children are dismissed from the church for a lectionary based children's sermon, music, and games, and are brought back into the church prior to communion. Kids Word does not meet on Sundays that have a morning prayer service. Kids Word is led by a rotating group of volunteer leaders as well as one assisting parent each week.
Our formation groups meet from 9:30am - 10:15am during the traditional school year. We currently have a preschool class and an elementary class. Bible stories and lessons are presented to each class in an engaging way and include fun games or crafts which tie into the lesson. The Preschool class meets in Room 5 (around the corner from the nursery) and the Elementary class meets in Room 4.
**All staff and volunteers associated with the children's ministry are trained in safe church procedures and have taken the Episcopal diocese Safeguarding God's Children courses**
For more information contact Hannah Bardin, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry at hbardin@oursaviourjax.org