In the Church
Serving the Body of Christ

Serve...In the Church

The Prayer Book prays, “O God, your service is perfect freedom!” We may serve God and others
inside the church, perhaps by teaching Sunday School, helping with the church grounds, helping with Pastoral Care, or serving on the Altar Guild to name a few.

Here are a list of other opportunities to serve and the contacts that lead these groups. If you are interested in serving in any of these areas, please contact the church office at and we will put you in touch with the appropriate ministry leader. 

AcolytesAcolytes lead us into worship by carrying crosses, banners, torches, and more. We invite children and youth in grades 3 and up, and any interested adults, to take part in this ministry of leadership and celebration.  To learn more or get involved, contact our Acolyte Director, Debbi Gentry.

Altar Guild - The Altar Guild organizes the sanctuary and other spaces for our worship services. Altar Guild teams prepare the church for worship by setting, cleaning up, and resetting the altar before and after services. To learn more or to join this vital behind-the-scenes ministry, please contact Theresa Meyers.

Altar Linens - This ministry is made up of a team of parishioners who, behind the scenes in their own homes, launder and care for the various linens that adorn the altar during Eucharist. To learn more contact Marianne Carter.

Breakfast Teams - Breakfast is a long-standing tradition at Church of Our Saviour! Each Sunday morning, rotating teams prepare and serve a hot breakfast. This is a fun ministry for men or women, and a wonderful opportunity for fellowship between services. To learn more or to volunteer, contact John Elisano.

Chalice Bearers - Chalice Bearers offer the wine during services of Holy Communion. Because the Eucharist is central to our worship, this is an important and meaningful ministry – to those serving and to those who are served. For more information about being trained as a Chalice Bearer, contact George Robbins.

Children's Ministry - Emily Tsunemori

Daughters of the King (DOK) - Daughters of the King is an order of women who work toward bringing others into a living, loving relationship with Jesus, and help strengthen the spiritual lives of parishes and missions. Each Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of Prayer, Service and Evangelism. To learn more contact Jackie Wright. 

Foundation - Brian Chappell and Fr. Joe Gibbes

Flower Guild - The Flower Guild arranges the altar flowers to set the stage for a meaningful and beautiful worship experience. For more information about the Flower Guild contact Vivian Freas.

Helping Hands (Funeral receptions) - Erna Hassell-Dykes

Intercessory Prayer Team - During Sunday morning services, a team of prayer ministers is available to anyone who would like to receive prayer. These trained Intercessors lead the parish prayers and volunteer to pray for parishioners in the chapel during communion. To learn more, contact Pam Atkins or Nancy Ray.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) take consecrated Communion elements to parishioners who are physically unable to attend church. This wonderful ministry helps people to worship the Lord and reminds them that they are loved by their parish. Those interested in serving as a LEM should contact Diane Gates.

Lectors/Readers - Lectors read scripture in worship for the whole congregation to hear. In the first century church, when most people were unable to read, the texts were read aloud for all to learn. Lectors serve in this ancient tradition, providing engagement with the scriptures in a communal way. For more information on becoming a lector contact George Robbins.

Livestream Team - The Livestream Team ensures that parishioners who are unable to attend services at church can still worship with their church family. Team members typically serve once every 4-6 weeks and do not need to be particularly tech savvy before being trained. To learn more, contact James Evans.

Music MinistryThe Music Ministry of Our Saviour principally aids in congregational worship. Our Choir, Choral Scholars, and worship bands offer varying styles of music, both traditional and modern. The Choir rehearses weekly on Tuesday evenings, September through June, from 7-9pm. Volunteer opportunities are available in several areas (not limited to choir members). If you would like to join the choir or have any questions about our musical offerings please contact Bob Moore.

Newcomer Ministry - Welcoming guests is critically important to the vitality and the future of the parish! Join the team that helps visitors become part of the COOS family. This important volunteer team hosts welcome events, contacts newcomers, and helps them find their way. Friendly folks interested in building the congregation should contact Wayne and Mary Jo Plummer.

Nursery – Jennie Vogel

Pastoral Care & Shepherds - Sarah Stanley

Sew Much Love - Sew Much Love is a group of multi-denominational women that meet at Church of Our Saviour every other Friday morning for fun, fellowship and, of course, sewing! The group creates new articles of clothing which are then donated to the Mandarin Food Bank for needy children. All skill levels are welcome and, for those that would like to contribute to the mission in other ways, they are always accepting of good quality, child friendly fabric and other notions. To learn more about this ministry please contact Kerry Baldwin.

Towel Ministry - This group of volunteers clean and replenish the kitchen towels. To learn more contact Paula Suhey.

Ushers/Greeters Ushers work in teams to help worshipers to feel welcomed and to easily engage in the service. Ushers help parishioners by distributing bulletins, directing communion traffic, and by caring for unexpected needs during the service. After the service, ushers collect and count the offering. For more information about becoming an usher contact Raymond Remmer or Marc Gentry

Widow and Widowers - Paula Suhey

Women's Ministry Council (WMC) - This group is active in many different areas of the church.  Members sponsor and coordinate Girls Night Out and the annual Women’s Retreat. They actively contribute to Created For a Purpose, and support many other ministries, both inside and outside the church. To learn more about this fun and active group of women, contact Kathy Daber.

Youth Minitstry – Hannah Bardin


For more information about the ministries and community organizations we support, please contact the the church office at at and we will connect you with the Missions and Outreach Director.

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12236 Mandarin Rd

Jacksonville, FL 32223

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